Please ensure you have read the following guidelines before submitting, to ensure your abstract meets the requirements.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the technical panel of the organising committee and should meet the following criteria:
- The abstract should be no more than 400 words.
- It should be submitted in PDF or Word format in Times New Roman 12pt font size.
- Abstracts must be text only; graphics, pictures or graphs should not be submitted.
- It should be received by no later than 30th May 2021.
- It should have permission of all authors for presentation.
The abstract should also include:
- The title of the paper typed in capital letters and bolded.
- List of authors and their details.
- Keywords.
- Text of the abstract.
- Contact details of person who will present the paper, including postal address, telephone and email address.
- Indication of whether the submission is a peer-reviewed paper or conference paper (see Call for Papers document above for more details).
Upon acceptance, you will receive a detailed speaker’s kit outlining the next steps to take for submission of the final paper and your presentation at the conference.