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Principal Engineer Safearth Consulting
Matthew is Principal Electrical Engineer at Safearth and manager of a team of engineering consultants across offices in 5 states. Having worked at Ausgrid for nearly a decade Matthew has since been a full time earthing specialist for over 10 years and worked in all industries including power, mining, oil and gas, heavy industry and rail. Matthew is an expert practitioner in all areas related to earthing and lightning, a trainer, conference presenter, author of numerous subject papers and has recently co-written the revised ENA Substation Earthing Guide. He has investigated a number of electrical incidents including as expert witness for the NSW Department of Planning and Industry in the Cudal matter.
Matthew is a degree qualified engineer, holds a Masters of Business and Technology from the Australian Graduate School of Management, and is a Certified Practicing Engineer and Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland.
Latent energisation of timber poles carrying high voltage overhead lines is a troublesome and potentially hazardous fault scenario for network service providers. Such conditions can occur through electrical or mechanical failure of insulators or incorrect line construction. The resulting high impedance fault invariably fails to be detected by protection systems, but can result in electric […]