
Dr Bill Carman

BC2 - Bill Carman Consulting

Bill Carman completed his doctorate in the area of earthing system risk quantification, and is recognised as a pioneer of modern earthing theory, design and risk management. He worked for 37 years within Australia’s largest power utility, where he founded the specialist earthing team, Safearth. He now leads Safearth’s European office.

Bill has been a Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University, has authored more than 40 technical papers, and is the convenor of the CIGRE/CIRED Joint Working Group B3.35. Bill is also on the committees for key grounding standards IEEE 80, 81 and 998.

Bill’s expertise extends to all areas of power system earthing, including design and testing, safety analysis, standards development, forensic investigations, research and development, and training. He works with clients to improve safety outcomes through developing processes and staff to manage the complex interactions between the power system, third party metallic systems, the soil and exposed people and equipment.

My Sessions

Foot to ground impedance – magic bullet or realistic mitigation measure

If EPR reduction and equipotential grading aren’t practical measures, can high resistivity surfacing materials such as crushed aggregate and bitumen be relied upon to limit electric shock hazards for utility operators and maintenance staff and the public? Is 3kohmm crushed aggregate or 10k ohmm asphalt a realistic assumption for a designer to make? How do […]


What to do when electricity spills out over the suburb?

Utilities in Australia have long been aware of the effect that a substation EPR has on the area surrounding the substation, and their responsibility to look beyond the substation boundary fence and care for people living and working in this region. However, institutional boundaries have sometimes led to conflict or gaps regarding who is responsible […]

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